HOW TO USE Even out any breaks and cut off the largest branches near the trunk. Shake can well before use. Remove the cap, hold the can in an upright position about 30 cm from the surface and spray evenly. Avoid over spraying as it will stain. WHERE TO USE On wounds from cuts and breakage of tree branches, bushes or shrubs. EFFECTIVE AGAINST Equalize the breaks and cut the biggest branches near the trunk. Shake can well before use. Remove cap, hold can upright about 30 cm from surface and spray evenly. Avoid over-spraying as the product will stain. TIPS Use only in a well-ventilated area. Keep away from flames, such as pilot lights, and any object that produces sparks, such as an electric motor. STORAGE Do not puncture. Do not burn. Keep away from heat sources. PRECAUTIONS Avoid contact with skin or clothing. Do not breathe fumes. Keep out of reach of children.